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Trends – Online Buying & Selling
Over the past years, online buying and shopping has expanded exponentially. The development of internet connectivity and coverage as well as advanced gadget that encircle in the society has profoundly made online buying and selling a trend despite age, gender, work background etc.

Choices of variety products and brands in the market give vast options for customer to choose goods that are able to fulfill their requirements. In response to these developments and rise of demands, EIC is going to launch our own e-commerce site very soon to best serve our customers anytime and anywhere.
Inaugurate of The New E-commerce
EIK International Corporation (EIC), is now are up to current shopping trend which is EASY, FAST & RELIABLE in many ways. Our e-commerce shopping site is built exclusively for both our existing and new customers.

The website offers 24-hour service availability with more friendly-user features for our customers.
Spare Parts Focused
As for the introductory of our e-commerce site, we focused on in-house stock availability of spare parts for the amphibious excavator, long reach and other attachments.
In future, we will continuously do better as a whole team of EIK to always serves our customers with great satisfaction and guarantee.
” We Build With Pride, You Use With Trust “